Good News: Donate To BTBR From Your IRA and Reduce Your Taxes! Did you know you can make a charitable donation to the Black Tie Boston Rescue directly from your IRA? It’s called a Qualified Charitable Distribution, “QCD”--and it benefits you and us!
(1) It helps you qualify for other tax breaks (i.e. having a lower AGI can reduce the threshold for deducting medical expenses, which are only deductible to the extent they exceed 7.5% of AGI); (2) Reduces taxes on your Social Security benefits; and, (3) QCDs don't require you to itemize, which means you can use the standard deduction, but still use a QCD for charitable giving. Are you eligible to make a QCD? While many IRAs are eligible for QCDs (Traditional, Rollover, Inherited, SEP [inactive plans only], and SIMPLE [inactive plans only]) — there are specific requirements:
Keep the records from your IRA custodian showing that the money was transferred directly to BTBR. And keep the acknowledgment from BTBR, as you would with any other donation. A tax advisor can help you determine if your IRA qualifies for QCDs, the impact on state withholding and how to properly fill out tax forms so that you don’t overpay. Thank you for helping us … while managing your finances.