Welcome foster families!


BTBR accomplishes our mission
thanks to our foster families. Below are the
files and forms that you need to get started
along with the contact information
of the BTBR Coordinators.

Files and Forms

Fostering Handbook  - Some practical advice assembled
by experienced foster families.

Home Visit Note Taking Form - Fill this out while performing the home visit

Home Visit Form - Fill this out after you
have completed a home visit.

Adoption - Interested in adopting your foster dog?
Contact the Adoption Coordinator okrohmer77@gmail.com  

for an Adoption Contract.

Adoption Handbook   - A download for adopters as
they adopt your foster dog. 

My Foster Dog's Adoptive Information - Information for adopters about your BTBR's foster dog's health, food preferences, etc.

From A Foster's Perspective: The Adoption Process - View an
outline of the adoption process from a foster family's perspective.


BTBR Coordinators 

Foster Coordinator - Megan Davis


Adoption Coordinator -  Olivia Krohmer


Vetting Coordinator - Kali Schwindt 