Home Visit Form


To the BTBR Home Evaluator:


The adoption or foster applicants you're visiting have already met preliminary criteria by having their BTBR Application accepted.
The information sought on this Home Visit form provides an even higher level of scrutiny .  


When doing a home visit, please get the information sought on this form. Ask questions, where appropriate, and get as many details as you can about the home environment.  Some of the questions on this form may not apply to a particular home, so use your own judgment.


If you need to take notes during the visit, please do so discreetly, rather than on this form. It is preferred to have the applicants feel at ease with you and to be themselves.  Complete this form after the visit is over .


Qualities to note are sincerity, commitment, tolerance of normal animal behavior, honest representation of the home environment, children’s behavior with other pets and expected role of the children in pet care. Obtain explanations about the absence of any family members during the visit.  Ask open-ended questions to begin productive conversation.   Open-ended questions include:

Rescue dogs are not always perfect; If you adopt a dog and it ends up having health issues, like blindness, deafness, seizures, etc., how will you handle that? If you adopt a dog and it marks in your home or shows signs of behavioral issues, how will you handle that?


Do not make any promises to the applicants or indicate whether they will be approved to adopt or foster.

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